Something Wicked- A Pumpkin carving Munch!
Every year the SX family gathers together to cut up a gourd....

This year of course, we will try not to have any police involvement:)
Come along for the ride-Check out our FETLIFE announcement HERE
Or join our yahoo group HERE (for mail directly to your box) about fun stuff like this!
Join us at the old haunted Coco's at 1206 Oakmead parkway in Sunnyvale-
corner of Lawrence Expressway and Oakmead @ 101.
cause we are plumping up a gourd of fun for you ![[nbc.png[info]shelbatr0n's.png]]('s.png)
Or join our yahoo group HERE (for mail directly to your box) about fun stuff like this!
Join us at the old haunted Coco's at 1206 Oakmead parkway in Sunnyvale-
**ALL images from my collection at "Something Wicked"**